Thursday, August 8, 2013

16 Weeks: Belly Has Arrived

I didn't realize what a difference a week can make!  Initially I thought I would do every other week but when I woke up the other morning and looked in the mirror, only to see this chubby-ness all of a sudden looking like BABY, I was thrilled and minorly freaked out at how quickly it showed up.

I've felt great this week so far, nothing new or different to report on that front. Just much more aware of this belly! So... here it is:

Look at this bump! It happened for sure! The "thickness" on the back and side I felt last week is making its way to the front now.

If there was any chest is taking over my body! Oye! The polka-dots certainly help accentuate the curvy-ness...but it's pretty accurate to how I feel!

News this week: Technically this would be the week we could find out the let the guesses begin! From here on out I will take a front and side view (my hips are starting to shift...thanks gymnastics/dance for the no hip situations) so you can place your bets ;)   [Gma Keck and Gma Wiswell have both made their girl vote- they had dreams of us having a little girl, Gpa Wiswell just calls baby "Maximum Danger" so I'm thinking he's team boy-perhaps just wishful thinking. Those are the only predictions so far]

Also, I got blood work done for the genetic testing- the results came in and all was "normal." I had a slight panic because my phone (of course) decided to cut out as she said normal and for a split second I thought she said abnormal. She repeated herself, thankfully so I heard it correct!  AND I am officially +2 pounds this week. That could be why both my belly and boobs have decided to show just how in charge they are!

Finally, and the most exciting... I FELT baby move! I've been thinking that I could for about a week, but either I fart right after I think it's baby (and fart babies just aren't as exciting), or I just can't be confident that it's baby. Today at work a little after breakfast I could feel little pressure pops and then when I pressed on my belly in those spots it was noticeably harder and then I'd feel it again! It was brief but SO SO exciting! I can't wait until the kicks get stronger and even more when Adam can feel them on the outside!

In other news: We've been name searching pretty hard and have a handful of names for boy and girl. It's so fun yet so tough to come up with a name! I am confident, though, that the moment we see our precious little-one's face, there will be no doubt what the name is! Just ~24 weeks until we meet our perfect baby Keck!

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. Ashley thanks for the updates. It's so fun to share in your journey into motherhood. God bless!!
