Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Weeks 6 to 15...Part 2

...and back to Hawaii we flew.

Monday, June 17: Going back to reality was tough, of course! Luckily I was still feeling really healthy other than getting tired pretty quickly, bloating and the breakouts that seemed to keep creeping up no matter what!
Even though I still felt bloated, I was surprised I looked slimmer this week than 2 weeks ago! No weight change, and my pants were still not so comfy to keep buttoned after I ate. I just kept reading, "It's bloat, not baby," [This date was technically week 9- BUT, we took the picture before]

Monday, June 24: The next couple weeks were pretty smooth, my appetite was gaining- though my sweet tooth was completely gone. My normal chocoholic self was not interested in sweets aside from fruit.

By week 10 I was falling asleep right after work and hardly waking up long enough to have dinner, take Kunu outside and wait for Adam to get home. Luckily I was walking to-and-from work every day, so at least I clocked in a 3+ mile walk Monday-Friday and another hour or two of walking with Kunu every day. I was definitely hungry...for fruit, cheese and plain romaine lettuce with ranch (and I am NOT a fan of ranch ordinarily).

As we got closer to the end of the first trimester it began to get SO much harder not to let the news leak to too many more people. By now, most of the family and Hawaii friends knew- as well as the friends we saw while we were in Minnesota. We had to remind the family not to post anything online! It was tough!

Monday, July 8: WEEK 12! We made it to the 2nd trimester, wahoo! Just one week to the next appointment, and the day to tell everyone our excitement! I started being able to feel how hard the bottom of my abdomen was getting- even Adam noticed and just those little things make this whole thing more real!
At this point I was feeling simultaneously hungry, tired, restless, and had to pee. Still a minimal sweet tooth, but a growing desire for sour and salty. Also, cold showers became my BFF. Feeling hot when the tradewinds disappear is an awful feeling. It drives the hormonal-ness to a new level.

I experienced my first "cry" spell between 10 and 12 poor, poor Adam. I was both laughing and crying because I knew there was NO reason for tears, and he was looking at me helpless because I had just freaked out and could not stop the tears. Whoops... but nothing a little vanilla ice cream couldn't mend.

Tuesday, July 16:  WE TOLD FACEBOOK... aka THE WORLD, our fabulous news! We were overwhelmed with love and support by people who already knew, friends and family far away, and a surprising amount of people we haven't spoken to in a long time. At 13 weeks, the only way I could tell I was "with child," was the fact that I have been acutely aware of EVERY smell in the universe, good, bad and ugly- an appetite for days, and the ability to pee every 20 minutes. Thanks, baby, for not moving further up my abdomen yet...

Tuesday, July 30: Time flies when you're busy, pregnant and sleepy! The last few weeks, I think Adam has had more cravings than me. My sweet tooth has slowly returned, unfortunately. I was kind of happy not craving chocolate daily as I used to. Oh well... as long as I get my gobs of fruits, veggies and protein- a sweet or salty treat at the end of my busy day is all good!

I have continued to walk to and from work every day, and we've even found the energy to do a couple long walk/jogs on the weekends as a little family. The last week, my energy has significantly improved. It's nice to not pass out right away when I get home, and then sleep all night.  I think "baby" is finally starting to show a little bit in my midsection. My pants are permanently unbuttoned (out of comfort). They CAN still button, but who likes a muffin top...not this girl.  My skin has cleared up in the last couple weeks (thank goodness!) which has been a super plus!

We are getting excited for the next ultrasound, which is unfortunately still a few weeks away- BUT it's all scheduled! We also get to meet the rest of our healthcare team in a couple weeks, so that will be great, too!

Just an FYI- we are "team green," aka- as much as Adam has tried to convince me we should find out the gender of this little monster...we are not! I am all for surprises, and this will be the absolute GREATEST surprise of our lives up to now.

That's all for now! Every couple weeks I'll have a photo and an update so you can "watch baby grow!"

Lots of love and excitement,

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