Wednesday, August 21, 2013

18 Weeks: Movin' & Groovin'

18 weeks... What to say about 18 weeks. To be honest, not a whole lot has changed as far as I'm concerned- but baby has certainly made some strides.

I'm feeling movement just about daily, almost perfectly timed after meals and snacks. Apparently little one enjoys food as much as Mommy ;) Speaking of food, I officially have a couple recurring cravings: Safeway Mac & Cheese (in the deli soup area), Garlic bread, Grapefruit & Lemonade (though that's a lifelong fav so I'm not so sure it counts). I quite literally can't walk through the produce section without taking huge whiffs of the grapefruit and ultimately grabbing many to munch on like an orange all week (aka I just peel and eat). 

We had an appointment on Saturday where we met our MD. She seems like a lovely woman. She was pleased with my progress and was very encouraging regarding choosing a midwife and alternating prenatal visits between them. So the next appointment is scheduled with the midwife. I can't believe it'll be past the halfway mark next time I go in! It seems to be flying by. 

Then...the most exciting part of the last weeks...ULTRASOUND today! Words just cannot fully explain how amazing it was to see our baby. S/he was such a wiggle worm, too. It was too funny. Every time she did a quick picture, baby was in a totally different position when she went back to real time. Even more, I could feel baby push against the little wand dealy when she was pushing down and around to get good angles. Ah. I could relive this morning over and over. The most important thing is that baby is measuring right on target, all of the organs and body systems/parts are exactly where they are supposed to be. She kept saying, "gorgeous" and "textbook" when she was measuring. I think that's a good sign.  Ok- I'll quit rambling-- here is baby! 

Profile: loving the little button nose! I believe that is actually it's little foot coming up on the side. Apparently playing with feet is fun in-utero.

This was taken shortly after we were asked if we wanted to know the sex-- baby doesn't want us to know either! We got mooned. hehe. It did give us a great photo of the little spine and backside, though! I'll take it.

Ah. Just so perfect! I can hardly believe this little life is growing inside me! It just makes me love my growing belly that much more. is me!

Ashley this week: Nevermind the hair-- it's HOT and sticky. Down and styled was just not happening today.

Weight gained: +5lbs, and feeling great about it

Maternity clothes?: I got a box from my lovely step-momma containing my first maternity pants & shirts. It's amazing how it transforms me from looking and feeling a bit chubby, to oh-so-definitely pregnant. 90% of my clothes still fit, I've just had to say goodbye to the pants and fitted dresses. Oh...and bra's- yep, I've retired all of the pre-pregnancy bras.

Symptoms: Truly I'm feeling fantastic now. I was definitely tired in the first tri, looking back. My nose seems to be getting sharper as the weeks go by (and on-and-off stuffy). I also notice if I haven't been good about my fluid intake. I puff up pretty quick if I haven't gotten enough water.

Missing anything?: Sleeping through the night. Since I try to  drink so much water, that also means I'm getting up to pee at least 3 times a night. It's worth it to know I won't wake up with stomach cramps or anything else.

The only other news I can report is that regarding movement, baby responds to being bothered in there. Adam pushed on a few spots in my belly on our way home today, and within moments, I was feeling the little one wiggle around. I've said it before, but I just cannot wait until he can feel these movements when he touches my belly!

We've got big weeks ahead -- school starts next week, so that means a busier Ashley at work, and Adam back to classes to create even more wonderful pieces of artwork for us all to admire. I hope baby gets some artistic-ness from daddy, he's just amazing!

Thank you all for being so fantastic and supportive. I could list all of the people I am eternally grateful for throughout this exciting process- but I hope I show my gratitude daily and you know who you are. I'm missing you all back in Minnesota/Wisconsin/Indiana, etc, and I hope this is helping you stay and feel connected to us.

Sending endless love from all 4 of us (Kunu boy included) on the rock!

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