Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The beginning of an adventure: Week 6 to 15

Ah! We're having a baby!

From the moment I woke from a sound sleep and knew instantly there was a life developing inside me and the ocean of emotions when the home test showed "PREGNANT" almost immediately, I knew the time of my life I've been waiting for since I was a young girl was finally happening! I may be a "career girl," but being a MOM has always been the most important piece of what would define my life.  I could not be more lucky to have found Adam, my loving, goofy, talented husband, the yin to my yang, and he will be the best DAD. This adventure into parenthood is bound to be our most exciting yet (and we've had some great ones already!)

Without further adieu- here is the journey so far:

Saturday, May 11: My 5:00AM stomach cramp wake up call to tell me the good news. All week i was feeling "different" and when I woke up then, there was not a tiny doubt. After I did a tearful happy dance, I looked over to my sweet, sleeping boys and debated for a good 15 minutes whether to wait until Adam woke up to tell him...but decided on jumping on him and waking him up with "YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!"  After he registered what I said, lots of giggles, hugs and kisses followed.

Symptoms: Stomach cramping, fleeting nausea, jawline breakout & extremely sore breasts. Though none of that mattered I was so excited! I was almost 5 weeks in this picture. (Exactly one week after my first positive test) The biggest challenge I had was not blurting it out to everyone!

Saturday June, 1: I am officially feeling bloated. I fully realized there was no way it was baby making me feel like I couldn't wear pants- but it wasn't awesome. Aside from bloating, extreme thirst and insomnia- I felt just fine. We were getting excited to go back to Minnesota to share our news with the family. At the end of Week 6, still just letting this sink in!

Oddly enough I look "biggest" in this picture... Halfway due to bloating the other half, poor body position. Either way, just pure excited!

Monday, June 3: We had our first ultrasound to confirm the due date- baby Keck measured at exactly 7 weeks, setting our Estimated Due Date at January 20, 2014!! The heartbeat was right on track and put our confidence in telling the family the following week even higher!

Wednesday & Thursday, June 12&13: The wonderful days that we got to share our incredible news with the family! First up was the Kecks, since it was the only night we would be out with them. We wrapped up the plaque and let Mom open it up. Here is the "before and after" pictures when they found out. The joy in their faces is priceless.

...and now for the Wiswell's. We had family photos planned with Brandon Tormanen, and lucky for me he's a long-time good friend so I was able to be pretty sneaky! I love their expressions. 

The only reaction photo I didn't get was my Mom- and I am bummed I didn't because she was donned in her work uniform flailing her arms running through the dining room screaming, "YAYY!!!!" It was adorable! I had one of her servers bring the ultrasound picture back and act like an angry customer gave her a "bad note," well, I heard her yelp from all the way back in the kitchen as she burst through charging me with hug arms! 

I am SO glad we got to tell our families in person. It just would not have been the same over a phone call or FaceTime experience. It was so worth the surprise on yet another trip back to the MinneApple! 

...and on to part two (before this gets too long!)

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