Wednesday, December 25, 2013

36 weeks: The Countdown is On!

Here I thought at the beginning of all of this- oh, sure, I'll have plenty of time to blog every other week and keep everyone updated on me. HA! If it wasn't for technology and quick messaging, well, I'd be one mysterious pregnant lady.

I will say, I look back to the earlier weeks and some of the 'discomforts,' I thought I had...oh how I wish I could go back to those days.  The good news is, we're coming down to home stretch now. Halleluiah!

One little fun thing everyone can do, is put their vote in as to when/what/size/etc baby will be! Just click here and let's see how the votes come in! The tally at work is still very boy skewed, and many people have flopped their vote from their original prediction. The midwife's official vote is boy, as well. All of the boy votes make me want to vote girl out of spite, because, of course, our child is a rebel at heart ;) HAHA I don't even make sense anymore!

How big is baby Keck: At 36 weeks- a big ole honeydew melon if we're going fruit sizes-- actual size between 4 and 6 lbs and gaining every day! Baby is in constant motion, too. We're in big trouble if it's this active outside the womb! [having a kickboxing training sesh as I type this]. Also notable- baby is head down & measuring right on target.

34 weeks
Weight Gain: *Gulp* 27 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Except my super long shirts, yes- and some of my maternity pants are a no-go since water retention has begun. Hello leggings and dresses for the duration of baby's stay in my uterus.

Sleep: Oh sweet sleep. I can sleep for hours in the middle of the day, but at night...forgettaboutit! Between getting up to pee, waking up from hip discomfort, dead limbs, or just insomnia. Oye! The nights I do get a good rest, I'm thankful.

Symptoms: I have to say, the last 36 weeks really has been quite easy. Especially in comparison to many pregnant women I chat with. I certainly count my blessings there. I have officially felt what I am positive are Braxton Hicks contractions. Only a couple times, and it makes me pretty confident I'll know when the real thing happens. The first trimester exhaustion/insomnia is back, too- which is lovely.  Oh, and how can I forget the constant pain in my poor little sausage fingers! This pregnancy onset carpal tunnel is no joke. My rings miss me.

Adam & Me [he's just so darn cute]
Best Moment the last few weeks: Getting the baby's area all set up. We are pretty much completely organized. It feels great to have all of our stuff out of boxes (except a few boxes of diapers, of course) and bags and actually in a "place." Also when we got our stroller & car seat, that was SUPER exciting. OH- and maternity photographs! I posted the album on facebook, and you can find it here, courtesy of Haole Girl Photography. [also subbing my 34 week photo from the shoot]

Biggest Challenge: Mentally preparing for everything and trying not to get outrageously annoyed every time someone tells us our world is about to change completely and there is no way we can be actually ready. I guess it's more because no other time in anyone's life do people feel entitled to tell you every opinion they have about you & what/how/when things will happen for you. It's incredible. Duh, I know, we can't. There is no way. I'm aware that we are first time parents and it will be a whirlwind of change. If half the energy that is put in to telling us how 'dumb' we are, went into some actual positive input, then I'd be happier. Of course, there are people who are extraordinarily supportive and constructive, and it's marvelous. I've been around and taken care of a fresh newborn before- I actually do have insight into how much work they take, and I fully recognize that it will be different for us- but there again, just because it happened to you, doesn't mean it will happen to us. So please, if you feel like being snarky- just don't, because I'm about to go hormonal crazy woman the next time. Mmk thanks. WOW. Sorry for my rant, still love me?

Miss anything: Total TMI moment, you've been warned- and for those of you who are freshly expecting/will be soon, here is one little nugget no one ever tells you - wiping is like a contortionist event. I seriously feel like a cirque du soleil reject for how much effort it takes to reach! Also, a big freaking beer! I don't even like beer that much and I legitimately cannot wait to have an ice cold one. There are many other pregnant lady woes about what I miss, but I'll save ya the torture. Ok, it's not that bad, really.
Most excited about: Meeting this little bugger in just a few weeks. I think that will be the permanent most excited about until baby comes, now.

Cravings: Back to first trimester weirdoness, except that chocolate doesn't repulse me. A good salami and cheese sandwich is made from the Gods. I'm convinced. That and anything cheesy (real cheese, cheetos, cheez-its, etc). 

Mood: Contrary to this post- okay, lies- I'm a little stabby. To be expected, though, right? Naw, Adam has been such a good husband, making me feel extra special lately, so that really helps me stay in a happy mood.

Ummm does HUGE count as a milestone? The sweatshirt I am wearing in the week photo was baggy on me last year...haha- a very real reminder that I am large, regardless how "tiny" people say I am. Trust me, I'm not! The next will be our hospital tour scheduled for Jan 11th (holy cutting it close, yeah, we know) and car seat inspection, and then my last day of work. The temp comes on January 6th (SO CLOSE!) so I'll have a week or two to train him in, and then buh bye for a few months. EEK!

 Looking forward to: Getting the car seat installed, putting the finishing touches on baby's corner, and washing everything. After fully enjoying our last *alone* holiday together, of course.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a marvelous holiday whether your family is near or far. We will be lounging with all of our favorite Christmas movies and crock pot cocoa for our celebration!

-Momma in approximately 4 weeks! 

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