Tuesday, November 5, 2013

29 Weeks & It's Getting Real!

OH MY GOSH- In 11 weeks (give or take a couple), Adam & I will be PARENTS! What the what?!

I'm sure I will be saying that a lot in the course of the next 2 1/2 months, but we had our first HOLY MOLY moment today when we received our first "big" baby gift-- the bassinet!

Grandpa & Grandma Wiswell sent us the exact one we were hoping for, and it looks perfect. As Adam was giving me the play-by-play of setting it up, stating the zippers were "tougher on his thumbs than the knex roller coaster," I had to giggle because that is likely one of the more simple pieces of child furniture that we will encounter in our future.

Here is a little snapshot of the perfect little snoozer for the munchkin ---->  *SO EXCITED!*

Per usual lately, we've been so busy that just when I am thinking to update the pictures and everything, something else comes up. All last week, Adam wasn't feeling so great, so we were in bed extra early.

Luckily, this week is promising. We still have a ton happening, but it is getting more manageable. It will be nice when the semester break hits, then we'll be able to enjoy a few weeks together with not so much happening, except, of course, getting ready for this new addition.

So- on to the questions-- using week 29 as the benchmark.

How big is baby Keck:   One says large butternut squash- another says acorn squash...so, baby is just a big ole squash! Growing like crazy in there!

Weight Gain: As of October 18, I officially gained 18lbs (ha, 18 on the 18th!) --though I'm sure it's closer to 20 now. *hides head*


Maternity Clothes: More shirts are being retired, and a couple more dresses. Even my low band maternity pants are starting to give me a little grief-- bring on full panel gloriousness!

 Sleep: My best sleep in the last few weeks has been the few hours in the evening that I zonk on the couch before Adam brings me to bed, or falls asleep on me, and I wake us up to go to bed. Once I get into that nice position, I'm good- but I'm finding if I'm not propped up enough, I really do get a little short of breath, no matter what position.

 Best Moment the last 3 weeks: Getting to spend Adam's birthday with our good friends. It was so nice to get out, be out, and just have a great evening. While they were certainly enjoying the finer things about the evening *ahembeer,* it was great to let my lover man celebrate and just relax with some of our favorites on the island. Also- of course, today, getting the bassinet in the mail. SO so exciting. I am sure as more things start coming in, it's going to get even more exciting.

Biggest Challenge: That dang glucose test! I know I am a very healthy person 95% of the time, but there was this little part of me way too paranoid about that silly little thing. Worst part is, it really wouldn't have been the end of the world if I did have gestational diabetes, I still would have felt pretty defeated. Luckily, ALL CLEAR! Wahoo. I can sit back and enjoy my cookies for the next 11 weeks. The other thing-- hormone alert--remembering to check myself when I'm worked up about something. It is a little too easy to take things personally for me generally speaking, and now I have to consciously remember to remove myself before feeling any way about things happening around/about me. 


Miss anything: Recently... my pre-baby body. Ugh! I know, it sounds a bit petty- but while I absolutely LOVE feeling little one wiggle around in there, and I feel like I have a lovely pregnant body- what I would give to bend over normally, wear one of my fitted dresses, go do a heavy duty workout with the exhaustion reward (now just walking up stairs is the exhaustion reward...ha!)
Most excited about: The shower coming up in a couple weeks, of course- it should be a great day. OH- getting a haircut! These locks need a freshening up in the worst way. Otherwise, just looking forward to getting more stuff for the baby to prepare for the grand entrance.

Cravings: Just a food-a-holic. There really isn't anything that I need to have on any given day, though I'd probably have steak, fruit & pizza for every meal if I could...haha.

Symptoms: HOT,  energetic but tired,  and I hit a wall of pure discomfort around 9:30PM every evening. Other than that, major major movement. This kid is cah-ray-zee! There is no pattern or time of day that baby Keck is most active, but goodness gracious! I keep thinking I can get it on video, but of course- the moment I whip out my phone to record, I get a long pause. Little turd!

Mood: Not much has changed here- feeling slightly more emotional the last week or two. A combo of my rapidly changing body, getting excited, yet feeling a little overwhelmed...yep- I think that pretty much explains it.

Made it to the 3rd trimester! Home stretch! Luckily, though this little munchkin is ridiculously active, s/he seems pretty cozy in there, so hopefully we have a full 11 weeks to keep cookin'.

 Looking forward toHospital tour, getting all registered there and really putting the finishing touches on getting prepped for this baby. Adam & I have a mini "babymoon" planned for this month or early next. Just a weekend of us. Spending a few days doing exactly what we love doing, without any other worries in the world. I feel like we just get so busy and caught up in our same routine (not all bad, routines are my friend) and forget to really sit down and enjoy each other's company without the distractions of everything else.

Well, as you can see- I grow pretty significantly each week, now. I'm almost afraid to see how massive this belly will get in the coming weeks!

-The Keck Mama-To-Be