Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Oh, silly hormones... 23 weeks

23 weeks! Things are certainly pluggin along.

I have to say, there are a lot of things I anticipated with pregnancy...but there have been a few surprises along the way. Namely- this emotional rollercoaster. Calm, annoyed, excited, stressed, exhausted, restless...OYE! [Most of the time, I really have been a ridiculous amount more laid back in pregnancy than I am in real life, though.] I truly thought that since the worst of my PMS was when my 16 year old self got all worked up over my dad asking whether or not the dishes were done, or what boy I was dating "this week," and bursting into insta hysterical tears-- that I would be OK in pregnancy.

I mean heck... I'm in charge of dishes, and pretty sure my relationship status has been stable for quite some time. Oh...Ashley...how wrong you were. Because of said hormonal emotions, I haven't shared many of these things, until now. Why? Well, when I'm not crying because I was 15 minutes late to my OB appointment and the nurse wouldn't wait until the end to take my vitals (I ran from the bus stop to the clinic, and was scared my pulse/blood pressure would be all whacko), or doing a foot stomp tantrum [in public] because breakfast stopped serving at the bakery 20 minutes ago and I can no longer get a breakfast bagel, I just have to laugh.

It makes the hectic workday and all of the crazy happening in life seem a little better. I joked with a co-worker today that, "No one will have a more dramatic reaction than a pregnant lady!" I think I do a decent job of keeping my knee-jerk reactions to certain things people decide to spew from their lips, but the urges to whack the woman who tells me "you should be bigger by now, you know, they have size and weight benchmarks," or say, DUH, to the next person to tell me, "oh you think things are getting awkward now, just wait."

 Ok...maybe I'm over reacting, but seriously folks-- I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said--- If you don't have something positive to say to a pregnant woman, turn around and walk away. [Unless you are close to me, then by all means, I promise I've not been offended by anything sassy you've said--and if I have, I've told you! Adam makes a fatty fart noise every time I sit down or take my shirt off for goodness sakes] :)  What if there was something wrong, won't you feel like a giant donkey for having opened your mouth?!

Rant. Over.  Now onto the good stuff-- I'm naughty, it's been 3 weeks since the last post. Oops, too busy!

How big is baby Keck:  Little one is the size of a big ole grapefruit! (seems like a small cantelope is bigger...whatever- it's growing!) & becoming more alert and active.

Weight Gain: As of last weeks appointment, I'm up 12 lbs. Shizah! I definitely know I've had a growth spurt lately, and that confirmed it.

Maternity Clothes: Ohhh yeah. I can still do most of the shirts and dresses- but the maternity ones are SO much more comfortable.

Sleep: Actually, now that I've surrounded myself in pillows and make sure to pop my mouth guard in (yeah, super sexy, I know), I've been sleeping awesome. I don't remember getting up to pee- though I know I am.

Best Moment the last 3 weeks: Honestly, meeting our midwife was a huge sigh of relief. I have liked the OB MD and my regular NP, but she is outstanding. I have officially decided that she'll be the one (given everything goes OK) to deliver this baby- she will bring absolute happiness and excitement to the day in a way that I did not get from the other two. She radiated sunshine and pure passion for babies, their mommies and the whole delivery process. Even more, she didn't bat an eye when Adam swung in with his sarcastic side comments- she played right back. It was fantastic. *I'm quite sure he gets side-eyed and my file gets a red dot from the other people around the facility...ha*

OH! Also, when we were out with friends the other night, a random group of [stumbling] guys gave us a big ole WOO HOOO, You're having a baaabbyyy, alrighttt! It was hilarious, and made me feel pretty good that even strangers can tell there's a baby in there.

Biggest Challenge: Keeping my cool when things get stressful. There has been a lot going on in many different places of life, and it's hard for me to remove myself sometimes[okay, not sometimes, always]. I get gentle reminders from the ladies at work, and most of all, Adam, that I have to stay calm and happy--and not even for me--for his baby. I love how much he cares and is already showing what an amazing daddy he'll be, just based on how well he takes care of me. I don't have him going on midnight errands to get an obscure item, but when I say, "Ooo this sound good," I usually find it in my hands a very short time after & he's always making sure I'm taking care of myself in every way. I'm more thankful for this goon of mine every single day.

Miss anything: These are all only going to get worse as time goes: Bending over comfortably. Quickly running across the street with Kunu and not having to pee the moment a jog begins,  not feeling like my fingers are making a vested effort to expand the moment conditions are not ideal, feeling like my bladder is going to explode--only to sit down and have an underwhelming pee.

Most excited about: Finding our stroller/car seat.  We're pretty jazzed about it & it will be an item that we get very soon. It's one thing we'll not be waiting to get. Also, discovering the options for online baby stuff stores. Things are much less expensive if you get to checking! Wahoo for cute and not spendy!

Cravings: Eh... just food. Yep...just food. I'll eat it. Whatever, whenever with whoever. I'm down.

Symptoms: Finally feeling pregnant. Not in a bad way- just the days get to me, I can't do as much as I used to. I can't even saunter off a curb without my bladder yelling at me for goodness sakes.

Mood: Well, clearly *ahemrantabove* I've got a little pent up- BUT truly, I am very happy and relaxed. I've learned to use my weekends as true decompression from the week, and it really works.  

Milestones: Nothing recently. I think the next one will be in 5 weeks after my GD (Gestational Diabetes) test. Otherwise...nothing big, that I can think of.

Looking forward to: Adam feeling consistent movement. This monster likes to kick my organs more than outside. It feels very odd, to say the least- and while I don't mind, Adam doesn't get to join in the fun as much because baby is facing the wrong direction!

Well, I think that is enough blabber from this mamma-to- be!

Aloha,  Mrs. Keck

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Half baked- 20 Weeks & Gaining Steam

Gosh... I can hardly believe we've passed the halfway mark! Maybe because life has been so busy crazy lately, but WOW this is flying by. I am so thankful for so many things and this pregnancy certainly has brought light to them...maybe I'll save that laundry list of things for the Thanksgiving post ;).

This week I thought I'd try a little something different to showcase how the last couple weeks have been.  I gathered a bunch of questions in hopes that it would save me from rambling so much. I am just so excited and wish I could be sharing these moments with the family in person, but hey...thank goodness for technology, right?

 How big is baby Keck? Size of a small cantaloup (according to one app)

Total weight gain:
8-10 pounds, the masses are applauding, finally!- though I'm unsure if it's boobs or belly gaining the weight....seriously.

Maternity clothes?
Pants, definitely. Most of my dresses and shirts aside from the fitted ones still work nicely. The few maternity shirts I have, I enjoy because they help the belly look even more like baby and less like chubster.

Sleep/dreams? Aside from waking up to pee quite frequently, I am now finding sleeping on my back to be uncomfortable, so time to stop I guess. Also time for a body pillow so I can get into a nice comfy position for the remaining months.

Best moment this week?
For me, seeing my belly move when the baby moved. Seeing the kicks and feeling them from the outside is SO fun. Poking my belly and feeling a poke back is just too fun. I'm already picking on our little one, hehe.  Now just waiting for little one to be active when Adam is home.

Biggest challenge this week? Sleeping soundly. Switching positions and waking up a lot more just isn't awesome. Yes, I know, sleep will continue to be a challenge from here on out- but once my belly isn't dictating the position or comfort of my sleep, it will be better.

Miss anything?
The last couple weeks... MARGARITAS! I could desperately go for a nice cocktail to take the edge off these crazy weeks. Ice cream will do for now, I suppose.

Most excited about: Finally having a BABY belly that is noticeable not just to me and the people who know me best. I think it is safe to say I am no longer in the awkward "has she put on weight or is there a baby in there," stage. 

Cravings? Not particularly, and actually my aversions to most things are kind of gone, too. My supersonic nose still turns me off to a lot of things, but nothing that I was used to eating or enjoyed before baby are happily enjoyed now, too. 

Most notable, stuffy nose! When I lay down for bed and through the morning I'm stuffed up.  Also, sausage finger syndrome. Rings are off this week, officially. My poor little fingers, due to the heat, and increased blood flow- are quite on the chubbariffic side. 

Happy or moody most of the time?
This whole pregnancy I've been very relaxed, perhaps too relaxed in some fashion. I have certainly had my hormonal mood swing shifts, crying spells (most notably recently was my laugh attack that resulted in uncontrollable crying from laughing and it was ridiculous, but at least I was happy). The last couple weeks are no different. 

Any milestones this week?
Feeling the baby from the outside! It's pretty exciting, and though poor daddy (Adam) is definitely feeling left out because he either is relaxing and soothing to baby, or baby is just plain worn out by the time he gets home, but there is zero movement from the time he gets home to when we wake up most of the time. OR I get a couple good kicks, then put his hand there...and nadda. 

Looking forward to:
Getting into "nesting" mode. I haven't really felt the desire to buy or do anything for baby yet. I look at plenty of baby things, have my registries and wish lists all organized, but the desire to fill our apartment with all things baby just hasn't hit me yet. I know it will, and bank account beware! 

Speaking of baby things, I just wanted to showcase some of the incredible gifts we've already been given for baby! I just love all of them SO much and am very thankful. Thought I would share what we've gotten: 

We purchased the two silly onesies with the text and the polka-dot blanket, but otherwise, all fabulous things received by our incredible friends. This baby is already blessed beyond words.

 The amount of growth this baby has made ME show can only mean it is growing like crazy in there, too! Can't wait to see what the next weeks bring.

Until then, 

-The ever expanding Momma-to-be